Back to the Gym
I weaned myself off of my crutches over the weekend and onto just a cane. Therefore I decided I was OK to go to the YMCA gym. I managed to work out for about 45 minutes when my ankle started twinging. I walked to a nearby cafe for a cup of tea and to buy an anniversary card for my mom and dad (it's a Hallmark store too.). I met Randy there and we went to Walmart. I saw my mom there and we looked at clothes for a bit then she left and I went to the back of the store for some craft supplies. By then my ankle was unhappy and my good (a relative term that) foot was also letting me know it was unhappy. We started for the front of the store and Randy took some detours to pick up other stuff while I made my way (very slowly let me tell you) to the front door. Thank God there was a bench up at the door so I could sit while waiting for Randy to check out. By the time we got home, my ankle was swollen so much the skin was tight, even bigger than it's been all weekend. So, I'm sitting for the rest of the afternoon to let it rest. The arch in my good foot is hurting too. What a wreck.
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