Connie's Appalachian Hike

A web history of my training, preparation and history of my Appalachian hike adventure. Then any other hiking tales I like to add.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Long Path Sect 34; Indian Ladder to Rt 146

On the 23rd, Kathy and I did the northernmost section of the Long Path Excursion. The day started cold and cloudy but cleared up nicely and we had a perfect hiking day.

We started at Indian Ladder picnic area and headed north. The trail was wide and smooth and ran through the woods. There was only one hill to climb so the hiking was very easy. A peculiarity of this section was the many fissures in the ground. The escarpment had many cracks and they ran a long way from the edge. Kathy managed to get a picture of one. We had a great view spot about 3 miles into the hike.

At noon, we reached the road and were completely confused. The guide book talked about passing thru a quarry but we never saw a quarry. We hiked back into the woods and found a nice spot to have lunch and examined the guidebook map and directions. As far as we could tell, the trail had been rerouted, cutting about a mile off of the trail and completely by-passing the quarry. So we missed the rock formation and a chance to pick up some fossils.

After lunch we finished the road hike part of the trail. We enjoyed looking at the houses and the fall plant colors. Overall, Kathy's GPS indicated we hiked 6.8 miles.


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